
Subsoil Poopit™ Drainage Maintenance Shaft

Cities of Swan, Armadale and Rockingham

The Smartstream Technology PooPit™ is now being installed as the preferred alternative to concrete stormwater manholes in subsoil drainage systems.

Subsoil systems are commonly used to remove excess water from the soil to prevent future damage to structures or landscapes.

Designed for maintenance equipment instead of person entry the lightweight Subsoil PooPit™ has removed the need to use heavy lifting equipment. Transport savings have also been achieved with a 1T Ute being able to replace an 8T Hiab to complete deliveries.

The Subsoil PooPit™ is finished at the surface level by a cast iron maintenance shaft cover reducing the footprint to 450mm.

A simple PVC glue joint replaces cutting or punching holes in concrete leading to further installation time savings, reduced safety risk and an elimination of concrete cracking.

The Subsoil PooPit™ is currently approved in the Cities of Swan, Armadale, and Rockingham.